
What Is the Safest Tick and Flea Treatment for Dogs

What Is the Safest Tick and Flea Treatment for Dogs

Responsible pet owners will always do what’s necessary to prevent their dog suffering in any way, so what is the safest flea and tick treatment for dogs? Read More >>

What Are the Signs of Heart Failure

What Are the Signs of Heart Failure

Heart health is important, and people can be at risk of a major cardiac event without being sufficiently aware that something is going wrong with their heart. Read More >>

How to Take Care of Skin in Summer

How to Take Care of Skin in Summer

Enjoying sunny weather is a part of summer that people look forward to, but too much sun exposure can damage the skin. Here are skin care tips for summer. Read More >>

How to Live with Chronic Pain

How to Live with Chronic Pain

No one likes being in pain, but for a person living with chronic pain they have it so much worse as they can’t expect any relief from the pain like others can. Read More >>

Is Spiriva Respimat a Steroid

Is Spiriva Respimat a Steroid

People with severe asthma are more likely to use a corticosteroid medication, but for those with more mild asthma the Spiriva Respimat Inhaler is what’s best.  Read More >>

How to Prevent Prostate Enlargement

How to Prevent Prostate Enlargement

A man’s prostate will get bigger as he ages, but when it becomes too enlarged then he can have very problematic sudden urges to urinate. Tamsulosin can help. Read More >>

How Long Can a Migraine Headache Last

How Long Can a Migraine Headache Last

Migraine headaches can be unbearable, and anyone will hope they end as soon as possible. But how long can migraines last? Longer than you might think. Read More >>

Can Allergies Cause Crusty Eyes

Can Allergies Cause Crusty Eyes

Allergic reactions can really do a doozy on the eyes, and everyone knows they can make eyes terribly itchy. But can allergies cause crusty eyes? Read More >>

What Nutrient Clears Out the Digestive System

What Nutrient Clears Out the Digestive System

Vegetables are some of the greatest cleansing foods high in fiber, low in fat and calories, and full of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. Read More >>

What is Derma Vet Ointment & What Is It Used For

What is Derma Vet Ointment & What Is It Used For

Derma-Vet is a prescription antibiotic for pets used to treat bacterial infections in dogs or cats. Read More >>