The sound of 80s music was defined by the use of the synthesizer, a radical new takeoff from the piano that took keys in a whole new direction and every big-haired performer was keen to embrace the trend. Synthesizers were expensive then, and even more so now 40+ years later because so few of them are still around. It’s understandable that synthesizers are expensive, but much less for Synthroid or any other underactive thyroid medication. So why is Synthroid so expensive then?Â
We can start with the explanation of that by saying that Synthroid is one of the most prescribed medications in the USA. That’s a reflection of how many people have underactive thyroid disorder, but you’d think that so many people on a medication would mean that it would be priced lower because so much of it is produced. That’s never going to be the case in America, where the pharmaceutical industry is 100% geared for profit. If thousands of people are taking a specific Rx drug then it’s going to be viewed as super profitable. Â
As that relates to why is Synthroid so expensive, it is because there are no caps put on drug prices in the USA like there are in Canada. Health Canada allows Rx drug prices to only be so high, whereas in the USA and with the FDA (Food and Drug Administration) they are left to whatever the market will bear. This is why ordering medication from Canada is so popular with Americans, and if you’re struggling to afford Synthroid it makes a lot of sense to get it from Canada Drugs Direct because you will pay less for it. Â
There’s no debating that Synthroid is pricey but for some people they have no choice but to afford it. We’ve covered why is Synthroid so expensive, but if you have received a prescription for it and need to get your thyroid gland working properly again then you may also be asking where is Synthroid manufactured. Synthroid is made by Abbot Laboratories in Illinois, and another thing we can say related to cost is that this manufacturer will have high R&D costs like any of them and those costs are rolled into what you pay for medication too.Â
You can order Synthroid from Canada online here at Canada Drugs Direct and pay less for it. Synthroid is way less pricey here. 90 of the 0.075mg tablets are less than $90 US here and those savings are commensurate for all the other dosage strengths too. Have your prescription written with refills included and we can also accommodate you that way too. You’ll be less inclined to ask why is Synthroid so expensive and more inclined to simply look forward to not having hypothyroidism symptoms.Â