What is Jardiance Used For?

what is jardiance used for

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Having elevated blood sugar levels from time to time isn’t so much of a problem. But if they are high on a regular basis and especially with every meal then they are very much a problem. Jardiance is an oral Type 2 diabetes and it is used to lower blood sugar levels so that diabetics are less at risk of all the potential issues that can arise if high blood glucose levels are left unchecked. While it’s true the majority of Type 2 diabetics will need to inject insulin, if you are able to get by with an oral diabetes medication there are a lot of advantages.

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The first and foremost of them being no need to be injecting yourself, or needing to afford insulin pens that tend to be plenty expensive in America. Oral meds tend to be better fits for those who have more manageable diabetes. In order for them to work and what is Jardiance used for there’s also more of a need for the user to adhere to the diet and exercise changes that are required. Generally speaking this means a more calorie-restricted diet.

Certainly not something that’s easy for a lot of people who have become habituated to what they eat on a regular basis. But then the question becomes do you want to have your diabetes progress that you do need to be injecting insulin ever day? If not, you need to resolve yourself to making the diet changes, and getting a lot more cardiovascular exercise so that you move at least somewhat towards a healthier body weight.

Let’s look at what is Jardiance in greater detail.

Sugar Expelled

Your pancreas is going to do what it’s wired to do, and producing blood sugar is part of that. If you’re not insulin resistant then your body processes any extra blood sugar that’s not taken up by cells. When you are insulin resistant that doesn’t happen, and that’s the long and short of what is happening with Type 2 diabetes. If we frame that around what is Jardiance used for, this medication and its active ingredient – Empagliflozin – promotes the body taking much more of that excess glucose and having it expelled via urination.

Which is of course something that everyone does, although good bladder health can be important for having Jardiance work well for obvious reasons. Jardiance has proven itself to be very effective for getting A1c hemoglobin test scores down to below 7%, but it also has added heart health protection benefits for Type 2 diabetics with cardiovascular disease.

If that’s you then the benefits of eating better and exercising more are going to go even further in providing you with major health benefits. Your diabetes will be more under control, you’ll be less at risk of a cardiac event, and you’ll also be slimmer plus looking and feeling much better. Nothing to do with what is Jardiance used for, but it is certainly worth mentioning and something for you to consider.

IMPORTANT NOTE: The above information is intended to increase awareness of health information and does not suggest treatment or diagnosis. This information is not a substitute for individual medical attention and should not be construed to indicate that use of the drug is safe, appropriate, or effective for you. See your health care professional for medical advice and treatment.

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