What is Colitis, and What are Treatment Options?

what is colitis and how is it treated

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The reason that the departure lounge in the airport is nearly always full of people is because you must check in long before a flight departs to its destination. So, you’ve got not choice but to be there and pass time until it’s boarding has begun. In a sense, the bathroom in your home is going to be something of a departure lounge itself, but it’s not you who will be leaving. What we mean to elude to is that the food you eat also needs a departure point. And Colitis makes that everyday process a whole lot more of an ordeal. But what is colitis and how is it treated?

Colitis is one of the inflammatory bowel diseases, and people with colitis can often also say they have IBD. Let’s get the bad news out of the way first – IBD isn’t something that can be cured, although some people do find that the burning and irritation does become less as they get older. The good news is that it is a manageable condition and colitis treatment medications like Apriso are known to make symptoms of ulcerative colitis much less pronounced. That makes having the condition a little more tolerable for people who weren’t lucky enough to be born with a properly functioning digestive system.

That’s a darn good thing, because not only can colitis be painful but it can also really mess with your day. Especially if you’re not at home and just a short distance from your regular departure lounge. Another one of the unpleasant ulcerative colitis symptoms is having urgent needs for bowel movements. This can be a real pain if you’re out at a social event, shopping, or anything similar.

We’re going to talk more about what is colitis and how is it treated, and then conclude by sharing some very doable steps you can take to make it so that your IBD is less severe. But the logical place to start is in saying that there is not just one type of colitis.

Colitis Types

There are 5 types of colitis:

  • Ulcerative colitis
  • Pseudomembranous colitis
  • Ischemic colitis
  • Microscopic colitis
  • Allergic colitis for infants

Ulcerative colitis is by far the most common, and most people who are looking for the best IBD treatment will be suffering from ulcerative colitis. Apriso is very similar to another colitis treatment drug – Asacol – as it is formulated to slow the inflammatory response that is at the root of ulcerative colitis. The problem with this condition and all the other types of colitis is that there can be triggers (and food triggers most notably) that make the symptoms immediately worse. Sometimes it can be difficult for people to avoid those triggers.

Another interesting factor to note is that a person’s ethnicity may also play a role in how likely it is that they’ll develop colitis. It usually comes on between the ages of 15 – 30 no matter what if a person is male or female, but it is much more common for people who are Caucasian or of Ashkenazi Jewish descent. Individuals may also have a genetic predisposition for developing IBD of any sort, meaning that you’ve inherited it from your parents or some other predecessor in your family.

Better Colitis Treatments

Anti-inflammatory medications are the staple when it comes to treating IBD, while including all 5 types of Colitis. For some people their doctor’s expertise may have them also taking immune system suppressors like Xeljanz that go after colitis at the root of the problem and take on inflammation at the cellular level rather than going after it locally in the lower intestine. The result is the same though, less colitis pain and irritation. So, now you know a bit more about what is colitis and how is it treated.

Combining antispasmodic drugs with anti inflammatory ones is common, especially if the worst of a person’s symptoms of ulcerative colitis are those urgent bowel movements we mentioned earlier here. When colon spasms occur, it’s because the walls are so inflamed that it causes the whole space to overreact.

The last thing we’ll mention here regarding what is colitis and how is it treated is that if you can force yourself to get accustomed to eating smaller meals that can also help reduce colitis pain and burning. It’s fairly basic to understand how that works, as less food to digest means there’s less asked of the gut in the first place. It will take some getting used to, and even if you can at least do it more often you’ll likely benefit.

IMPORTANT NOTE: The above information is intended to increase awareness of health information and does not suggest treatment or diagnosis. This information is not a substitute for individual medical attention and should not be construed to indicate that use of the drug is safe, appropriate, or effective for you. See your health care professional for medical advice and treatment.

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