How to Check for Prostate Cancer

how to check for prostate cancer

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If you’ve ever put together a model train track you’ll know all about the essentiality of switches. Unless you want those trains going round on the same line non-stop you’re going to need to have switches. To make a connection between model trains and the prostate gland you know it’s going to be a creative stretch. But if you’re familiar with how the prostate works it really is a switch itself with the way it can restrict or allow passage of bodily fluids, not trains. Namely urine and semen, and it’s an essential part of the male reproductive system. This organ can become cancerous in older men, so it’s good to know how to check for prostate cancer.

It is the 2nd most common type of cancer for men after skin cancer, but the good news is that it’s very treatable and outcomes are usually favorable if the cancer is caught early enough. We’d be shocked if anyone ever had a runaway model train, but the problem with any cancer is that if it gets into the lymph nodes (lymphoma) then it can be out of control and really putting the man’s life at risk. It’s for this reason that men over the age of 45 should start to be on top of this, and that’s why you need to know how to check for prostate cancer.

This can be part of a bi-yearly physical with an overweight family doctor, but for some men it may be better to make it a yearly arrangement based on contributing poor health factors. There are general good health guidelines that everyone should adhere to as they get older to reduce the risk of cancer, but sometimes it’s just in the cards for you unfortunately. If you can catch it early though, you’re going to be in a way better spot.

Know the Signs First

Getting an understanding of how to check for prostate cancer is one thing, and if you’re older it’s a good idea to give yourself checks every once in a while even if you don’t have symptoms. But let’s look at prostate disease symptoms first so that you can be tipped off that something’s not right with your switcher organ and maybe it’s time to see that doctor.

Common prostate cancer warning signs are:

  • Having to urinate often
  • Pain / burning when urinating
  • Weak / interrupted urine flow
  • Needing to urinate multiple times during overnight hours
  • Blood in urine or semen
  • Discomfort or pain when sitting

We should mention as well that some of these symptoms can also be indications of a bladder infection or in the case of having to urinate frequently it may also be because of BPH (benign prostatic hyperplasia). That will be a preferable diagnosis for sure, and Hytrin is among effective BPH treatment medications that you may use.

Nothing to do with how to check for prostate cancer, but if you’re an avid cyclist like the rest of us here’s a tip to be kind to your prostate in general. Women can generally have their bike seat however they live, but if you’re a guy then it makes a whole lot of sense to tilt your bike seat forward a bit. It’s an easy adjustment to make, and your perineum (chota) and the prostate behind it will thank you for the pressure relief. It may also be a good idea to wear bike shorts with perineum padding that relieves direct pressure too.

Check Yourself

Seriously, you need to check yourself. All kidding aside, we promised we would talk about how to check for prostate cancer here and that’s exactly what we’ll do. If you’re going to try this the first thing we’ll say is that you need to be sure of what you’re doing. Doing a digital rectal examination at home might not be the best idea, unless it’s not the first time you’ve been in there. A doctor can do it quite easily at their office and if they feel any hard growth on the prostate they’ll direct you to the next level of testing.

This usually involves a PSA blood test that will make it clearer whether high PSA levels are indicating that prostate cancer has begun. It is also possible that you may have an ultrasound or MRI of the prostate, and the thoroughness of these scans make it the most failsafe means of detecting prostate cancer. The last thing we’ll say about how to check for prostate cancer is that in order for better prevention it is best if you discuss any family history of prostate cancer with your doctor before starting to use any type of statin medication.

IMPORTANT NOTE: The above information is intended to increase awareness of health information and does not suggest treatment or diagnosis. This information is not a substitute for individual medical attention and should not be construed to indicate that use of the drug is safe, appropriate, or effective for you. See your health care professional for medical advice and treatment.

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