Xiidra vs Restasis Prescription Dry Eye Drops


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Martinis or ride cymbals may be better dry for some, but you’re not going to find so much as one person that feels the same way about their eyeballs. They function best and feel best when they’re properly lubricated and as such, are among the most sensitive organs we have in our body. Individuals that experience chronically dry eyes or dry eye disease must deal with dry eyes often. It’s equal parts uncomfortable as it is bothersome. Prescription eye drops can provide dry eye relief and a Xiidra vs Restasis comparison is a good one between two of the more common ones.

“Lacrimal gland” is the term for the human tear gland, but the gland and duct are different. Your tear gland is beneath the skin just the outside of your eyebrow on either side of your head, whereas you are probably already aware of where each tear duct is located. The issues created by dry eye disease have their roots in the lacrimal glands, not the ducts, and it helps to know what tears are made of.

The dry eyes of dry eye disease are a result of the gland either a) not producing enough tears, or b) the tears don’t have the same correct composition (electrolytes, proteins, lipids, and mucins) as they do for other individuals. In some cases, it is a combination of both, but both Xiidra and Restasis work well as artificial tears that are always correctly formulated for effective dry eye relief. But with Xiidra vs Restasis, is any one of these prescription eye drops any better than the other?

Both are immunosuppressant medications, so we can know they take the same approach to relieving chronically dry eyes. As is the case in so many spots all over your body, it’s the immune system working out of order that promotes the inflammation that then causes – in this case – the dry eye disease symptoms that are so troubling for a lot of people. And when that inflammation is left untreated then over time it can compromise the integrity of the eyeball surface. This can eventually mean vision problems.

Relief for Dry Eye Disease

The first thing we’ll say with Xiidra vs Restasis is that after reviewing user submissions related to both products it’s clear that they are equally good for eye lubrication and getting over dry eyes temporarily. Some people will have a better response to either medication when following the standard application guidelines of 2 drops per day in each affected eyeball. But some people may require more. Nothing suggests that one is any better than the other in effectiveness when staying within dosage guideline suggestions.

Allergies and dry eyes are a symptomatic outcome for many individuals as well. While these seasonal allergy sufferers and others won’t have to deal with chronically dry eyes like people with dry eye disease will. They will likely do just fine with OTC artificial tears and won’t need prescription eye drops or take any interest in Xiidra vs Restasis. They’ll also be glad to not have to deal with what dry eye sufferers do, and especially with the sensitivity to light or difficulty with wearing contact lenses. One thing that is true for both products with Xiidra vs Restasis is that if you’re a contact lens wearer you’re going to have to take them out before you apply the drops. However, in that regard Xiidra might be better as it only available in ampules that are pre-measured for application.

Which leads us to the next point in our discussion of Xiidra vs Restasis – price.

The Price Tag Will Shock You

Among prescription eye drops, Xiidra is an eye drop solution that is on the pricier side and doesn’t come in a generic equivalent like Restasis does. That may change in the future, but right now you can only order generic Restasis from Canada if you want to pay less for prescription drugs. As mentioned above being able to apply your artificial tear solution eye drops with an ampule is best for a lot of people because you know emptying one of them in your eye is exactly the right amount of dry eye relief medication.

60 ampules of 0.2ml Xiidra is going to cost you a ‘pretty penny’ as the expression goes, and at most pharmacies in the USA you’ll be paying in excess of $400 for them if the entire price is OOP (out of pocket) for you, but you can get that same quantity for about $100 less ordering medication online from Canada. Restasis has the same priciness for the branded medication but go with generic 0.4ml ampules and you can get 30 of them from our Canadian online pharmacy for just under $90.

The last thing we’ll say here with Xiidra vs Restasis is that if you can get a generic version of a medication and it works equally well for you then why wouldn’t you pay less for prescription drugs?

IMPORTANT NOTE: The above information is intended to increase awareness of health information and does not suggest treatment or diagnosis. This information is not a substitute for individual medical attention and should not be construed to indicate that use of the drug is safe, appropriate, or effective for you. See your health care professional for medical advice and treatment.

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