Insulin Info: Tresiba vs Levemir

Insulin Info: Tresiba vs Levemir

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An alternative means having a choice in the matter, or you could look at it as a different way of accomplishing the same aim or need. Option is another word that could be used here, and it’s sure nice to have them if you can. Diabetics used to need prick their finger every day, but these days there’s the alternative of using a modern blood glucose meter. With insulin, however, there’s still no alternative to injections as of yet. Short acting insulins are different from long acting ones, and that’s the difference with Tresiba vs Levemir.

Neither of these types is the most commonly used type of insulin in America though. Nearly everyone enjoys having a hearty meal, but for most people with Type 2 diabetes the surge in blood sugar that food intake creates is where the problem lies. They need to balance that blood sugar immediately, and they take a mealtime insulin to do that. Mealtime insulins are commonly called rapid-acting insulins. They need to work quickly, and they do.

Fewer people will take a short-acting or long-acting insulin, but if that’s what your doctor prescribes for you then that’s what you’ll be injecting every day for the long foreseeable future. Tresiba (insulin degludec) is one of the more common long-acting ones, and so is Levemir (insulin detemir). So, if we’re looking at Tresiba vs Levemir then that’s the first thing you can know. These two insulins can be used interchangeably by most diabetics.

Both Long

Levemir, for example, may be used in place of Lantus or Basaglar as these are other long-acting insulins. This isn’t something you’ll be deciding for yourself of course – your physician will best be able to inform you on this matter. We’ll leave Tresiba insulin vs Levemir to the experts, but we’ll look at it more generally with what’s to follow here. After all, likely the most important information for diabetics in America is really going to be why is insulin so expensive in America?

That may change, and ordering insulin online from a Canadian pharmacy is something that more and more Americans are doing. When you’re reminded that there’s hundreds of thousands of diabetics in America who need this medication in the strictest sense of the term, this is a major public health issue.

But back to Tresiba vs Levemir, a basic overview of how long-acting insulins differ from short acting ones is this; a short acting insulin onset in about 30 minutes, is max effective for 2-3 hours, and won’t completely subside for about 6 hours. A long-acting insulin onsets later, about 90 minutes after injection. It then provides a more gradual release that doesn’t make it max effective at any particular point, and then stretches for a full 24 hours with most of them. Thus, the name long acting!

More on Tresiba vs Levemir

The next thing we can point out here is how Tresiba is the more flexible and ‘forgiving’ of the two. What do we mean by that? Well, Tresiba is the only basal insulin that gives adult patients the option to make unexpected changes to dose timing any time you miss a dose for whatever reason. Whether it’s forgetfulness or having a crazy week, you simply take it during waking hours as soon as you’re aware of missing it. Then after that you can continue with your dosing schedule as it was before.

Just one thing though with Tresiba vs Levemir. You need to make sure at least 8 hours have elapsed between injections with Tresiba. But that’s a still good bit less of a fuss than you’d have with other basal insulins. Certainly nothing to be scared of, but we’ll bet you’re like most people who’ve had at least a few really bad dreams in their life. Diabetics may take note here, as some have suggested there’s a connection between blood sugar imbalances causing nightmares.

This of course has nothing to do with Tresiba vs Levemir either, so let’s wrap things up here by looking at these two from a different slant.

Going Ultra Long

We’ve determined that these are both long acting insulins, but Tresiba can even be called an ultra-long-acting insulin. Levemir works along the lines of what we shared above regarding standard characteristics for long acting insulins, meaning you get about a 24-hour working window for it. Tresiba is actually able to double up on that, providing up to 48-hours of working time balancing out your blood sugar levels.

Another consideration for some people may be that using Tresiba means the person may be less likely to experience nocturnal diabetes. And if price is any part of your consideration with Tresiba vs Levemir then here’s the skinny on that. The Tresiba cost (100 units/mL) is approximately $514 for a supply of 15 milliliters. The Levemir cost (100 units/mL) is approximately $315 for a supply of 10 milliliters.

IMPORTANT NOTE: The above information is intended to increase awareness of health information and does not suggest treatment or diagnosis. This information is not a substitute for individual medical attention and should not be construed to indicate that use of the drug is safe, appropriate, or effective for your pet. See your veterinarian for medical advice and treatment for your pet if you have any concerns.

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