Saving Money on Prescription Medication for Hair Loss

prescription medication for hair loss

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Testosterone does some wonderful things for men for musculature, virility and more. Most men will be pleased with that but depending on their genes they may find that they’re quite displeased with another affect of the work of testosterone in the body. We’re talking about male pattern baldness and depending on what’s laid out in your Y chromosome that testosterone that is otherwise so good for you may be causing your hair to fall out. If you’re not willing to shave it all off and be done with, you may be looking into prescription medication for hair loss. Good news is it exists, and it works.

Now to be fair in our evaluation of all this it’s not exactly testosterone in its basic form that is laying waste to your hair follicles up there. It’s actual a different variant of testosterone, dihydrotestosterone, that makes men go bald. As mentioned, it’s known that the genetic predisposition for this comes from the Y chromosome, so the standard recommendation has always been to look at your grandfather and uncle on your mother’s side of the family.

If they have a receding hairline, bald patch, or are completely bald then it’s quite likely that is what in store for you too. Hair loss prevention meds are best when taken proactively before extensive hair loss occurs, so if you don’t like what you see with those relatives then you may want to get started on hair loss prevention now.

Let’s look at prescription medication for hair loss here today and explain both how they work and what sort of effectiveness you can expect if you’ve decided you’re not willing to say farewell to your follicles.

Propecia is King

When it comes to prescription medication for hair loss there is no single drug that has the acclaim that Propecia does. If you genuinely want to prevent or put a stop to hair loss, then this medication is probably going to be what is recommended for you. Propecia works by preventing testosterone from being converted into dihydrotestosterone, and while it works exceptionally well as a medication for hair loss treatment it’s one that you must take for the rest of your life. If you stop taking Propecia, your hair loss will resume quite quickly.

This might be a good time to mention that genetic hair loss doesn’t affect only men. It is much less common for women to have extensive hair loss, but it can happen and is usually much more traumatic for a woman to experience. Unfortunately, Propecia is not suitable for women because a) it is not as effective, and b) there is the possibility of harmful hormonal changes resulting from the medication.

What may be a better fit for women and hair loss is Rogaine, which comes in formulas for both men AND women and also has the advantage of being available without prescription. Is Rogaine as effective as Propecia for preventing hair loss though? No, it’s not even close. One of the things that is well known about Rogaine for men is that it does well preventing hair loss on the crown of the head, but it’s not nearly as effective for a receding hairline. So, if you’re going bald from the front, you may have no choice but to go with Propecia.

Medication + Transplant

The best way to permanently deal with hair loss is to have a hair transplant, but if you’re considering this you should be aware that most of the surgeons who do this kind of very specialized (and very expensive) won’t proceed with the transplant unless the man is already taking Propecia. This needs to be a part of our discussion of prescription medication for hair loss because if you choose to go this route, you’re making a lifelong commitment to taking medication as part of your hair loss treatment.

Even if the ongoing need to pay for Propecia isn’t a problem, what might be a problem is if you are one of the many people who get severe side effects from using Propecia. The one that is most intimidating for men is sexual dysfunction from hair loss medication use, and there’s a reason that could be hugely problematic if you’ve already had a hair transplant. In that scenario you have no choice but to continue using prescription medication for hair loss because failing to do so will cause your remaining hair follicles to miniaturize and disappear, and you’ll be left with only a thin covering left by the transplanted hairs.

So if you are a man who is troubled by hair loss there are medication for hair loss treatment options, but you should give some serious thought to everything that may come along with them before you make the decision to get a prescription for Propecia. Rogaine may be a better place to start.

IMPORTANT NOTE: The above information is intended to increase awareness of health information and does not suggest treatment or diagnosis. This information is not a substitute for individual medical attention and should not be construed to indicate that use of the drug is safe, appropriate, or effective for you. See your health care professional for medical advice and treatment.

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