How to Increase Sodium Levels with Samsca

how to increase sodium levels

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Salt has been prized commodity throughout the centuries, and you only need to take the last letter away from the world to create the Latin word for salt - sal. Expressions out there like ‘salt of the earth’ and ‘worth your salt’ are based around the value people have put on salt. Turns out your body is an equally big fan of sodium, and it is true that there needs to be the right amount of it in your blood to ensure there is enough water in the body’s cells. Hyponatremia is when there’s not enough, and the question becomes how to increase sodium levels. Samsca is a hyponatremia treatment medication.

Proper cellular function is important for many reasons, and among the most important is organ function. Unchecked hyponatremia can be a contributor for heart disease and kidney or liver failure, and on a more immediate level the person is going to be experiencing symptoms that can get in the way of living your life normally; restlessness and irritability to go along with chronic fatigue and drowsiness. There are other minor hyponatremia symptoms too, and long-term chronic hyponatremia can wreak havoc on your hormone levels.

Menopause tends to be one heck of an ordeal for a lot of women, but before they even get there they may need to be on top of their blood sodium levels. The reason for that is premenopausal women are the people who are most at risk for hyponatremia-related brain damage, and the reason for that is women’s sex hormones can alter the body’s ability to balance sodium levels. There can be all sorts of reasons for increased thirst, but one of the reasons people get hyponatremia is from drinking too much water.

So, even though the stuff is the elixir of life you may need to drink less of it as part of how to increase sodium levels, but most often sodium tablets and / or a hyponatremia medication like Samsca. We’re going to go deeper into the condition here, and explain all of what goes into how to treat hyponatremia.

More on the Causes

We’ve talked about cellular organ function, but the role of sodium in an optimal body goes deeper than just that. Muscles and nerves have everything to do with mobility and sodium regulates the function of both of them plus also plays a role in blood pressure. The last part of that is something to take note of for people with hypertension and dealing with a need to lower their blood pressure. When cells don’t have enough water they swell, and that swelling can lead to all sorts of problems like the ones we listed out above.

But what exactly causes hyponatremia? It’s not something that occurs naturally in the body although some people are more likely to develop it than others. Existing heart, liver or kidney problems can be behind it, and Addison’s disease may be the cause of depleted blood sodium levels too. Excessive vomiting or diarrhea can lead to sudden hyponatremia, and again this can be a concern for certain women in particular.

Antidepressant meds, prescription pain relieves, and the recreational drug MDMA (ecstasy) can also cause hyponatremia too. For some people intense and prolonged physical activities may cause them to have mild hyponatremia and they may feel more fatigued after and a little perplexed about why that is. If this applies to you then one thing you can do to counter it is to drink Gatorade or Pocari Sweat instead of water. The added electrolytes and sodium in these drinks will protect you from having your blood sodium levels dip too low. This can be a good and fast-acting approach to how to increase sodium levels

Beware Water Pills

Most diuretic medications like Lasix (Furosemide) are more commonly called water pills, and it’s quite common for people with high blood pressure or edema to have to use them. Edema is explicitly related to water retention, and unlike hyponatremia it’s quite simple to visually identify. The swollen, legs, feet, or ankles are clear indications that something is not right. People who need to use diuretics but have hyponatremia may have to have their treatment regimen amended by their doctor, and that can include what dosage for Samsca they are instructed to take.

The last thing we’ll mention here is that many of the signs of hyponatremia can mirror the ones for low blood potassium levels – headaches, dizziness, and muscle cramps. But because they are two very different deficiencies it becomes important to have a doctor or other medical professional arrange tests for you to determine if your interest is in how to increase sodium levels, or do the same for potassium.

IMPORTANT NOTE: The above information is intended to increase awareness of health information and does not suggest treatment or diagnosis. This information is not a substitute for individual medical attention and should not be construed to indicate that use of the drug is safe, appropriate, or effective for you. See your health care professional for medical advice and treatment.

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