10 Safety Tips To Keep Dogs Healthy and Fit During Summer

10 Safety Tips To Keep Dogs Healthy and Fit During Summer

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The origin of domesticated dogs is still under a lot of dispute. But dogs were the first domesticated animals. They keep you company under any circumstance, weather, or location. Dogs have a tendency to remain loyal to their masters. It is therefore important to take care of your best friend like family. Dogs, like humans, also tend to catch diseases and are constantly under the threat of fleas and worms. Although there are several pet meds available on the market, like Revolution, proper care should be taken of your pet dog to avoid any discomfort.

While doing activities with your dog (taking it on a hike, going to picnics, swimming or running) is recommended, you have to keep in mind that the weather can be a dangerous thing. It is not the same for dogs like it is for humans. Proper care and taking your pet to regular vet visits is one of the fundamentals of having a pet. The weather has an adverse impact on dogs, especially if it is hot. Dogs have difficulty cooling down, as most dogs sweat very little or not at all. Since they do not sweat that much, dogs have to cool itself down through panting. Some of the other safety tips and cautionary measures are listed below. It's time to take good care of your furry friends.

1. Don't leave your dog in a hot car, EVER!

Most dog owners are aware of this fact. But nevertheless, this is an important thing to take care of and never forget. Dogs have a tendency to suffocate due to heat stroke in a parked hot car within minutes. They are not like humans and cannot survive the overbearing heat. This is particularly true during summers. For instance, if the temperature is 78 degrees outside, the average temperature inside a car made of metal can reach to 90 degrees, and up to 160 degrees if parked directly under the sun.

2. Check your dogs regularly for fleas, ticks and worms.

Taking proper care of your pets and prevent them from catching fleas is one of the trickiest parts of being a pet owner. Dogs love the dirt, playing around the house and getting dirty every chance they get. It is the natural persona of a pet dog. As owners, you must ensure that the pet is clean and hygienic. It's your responsibility to give it baths, clean their teeth and trim its nails. Even though there are pet meds like Revolution available to treat your pets for fleas or ticks, preventing it can go a long way. If not taken proper care of, dogs can catch diseases like heartworm, Lyme disease, Rocky mountain spotted fever and several other deadly conditions which may spread to humans.

3. Always try to keep your dog's paws cool.

Metal or asphalt surfaces can get really hot during the summer. This can lead to disastrous consequences for your pet dog. Not only do their paws burn due to the extreme heat of the surface, but the body temperature also increases due to the heat. Since dogs do not naturally possess the ability to cool themselves down by sweating, it can lead to massive levels of discomfort for them. It is also not advised to take your dog on a road trip in the back of your truck since the metal gets extremely hot.

4. Get ample amount of shade and drinking water for your pet.

Dogs get thirstier than humans since they have no other way of cooling themselves down due to the heat other than panting. Panting makes them dehydrated it is always advised to give them access to drinking water. Giving your best friend ample amount of shade is also one of the essential factors crucial for its survival. It is true that dogs and cats are fond of sun bathing; however, if it is overexposed to the heat it can cause various issues like dehydration, sunburns etc. for your pet.

5. Make your dog its own pool.

Dogs love the water, especially during hot days. Dogs are natural swimmers and know instinctively how to swim. They want to cool off all the steam that is being generated in their body due to the blistering heat inflicted by the sun during summer days. It is advised to provide your dog with a kiddy pool of its own, which will prove to be quite useful during the blistering heat.

6. Do not assume your dog can swim well.

Dogs are natural swimmers, well Most of them, that is. Some dogs are not that accustomed to water and have a high probability of drowning. Make sure to be present near your dog whenever it decides to take a jump into the pool. Although dogs are instinctive swimmers, not all of them are good swimmers. If help is not nearby, your dog might have a hard time getting itself out and may drown. The best solution to this problem is building a kid pool for your dog as mentioned above.

7. Dogs can get sunburns too.

Dogs with short or light colored coats are highly vulnerable to sunburns. Most people do not know that dogs get sunburns and unknowingly leave them outside in the sun. Dogs love the sun and spend most of their time playing or sunbathing. However, prolonged exposure to the sun can harm the skin and subject your pet to skin rashes and may even cause skin cancer in some cases. Due diligence is required from the pet owner's part to keep the dog out of harm's way.

8. Regular visits to the vet.

Summer time is a tough time for the pets. The heat becomes almost unbearable with their fur. It is natural to inflict upon themselves various conditions that might involve fleas and worms. While there are pet meds available online, like Revolution, which you can easily order, it is always recommended to get a vet's approval first. This also contributes to the regular check-ups that will keep your pet healthy and fit, prolonging its life and spread the happiness.

9. Use a leash if there is no fence.

Dogs love to play outside during the summers. It is only natural for a pet to explore its immediate environment to familiarize itself of the surroundings. If you live somewhere where there are no fences, you must especially take care of your dog and keep a leash. Not all dogs respond to calls, and some can get distracted with their immediate environment and get lost. It is better to practice caution than to have your furry friend lost in an environment they do not recognize.

10. Keep a close watch on your dog's weight.

It is not uncommon for dogs to gain a few extra pounds during the winters. Hence, the natural course of action to take during the summer is to ensure they perform some exercise to lose those extra pounds. Studies have shown that pets with proper weight management live 3-4 years longer than overweight pets. You can prolong your dog's life by taking it on a run/walk. Other activities include throwing a Frisbee/ball at the park.

These were some of the precautions to take for proper pet care during the summer. Dogs are naturally curious and loyal. They will want to explore out in the sun. It is important to clean them regularly and also knowing when not to let your dog run wild. Sunburns are a common occurrence among canines and proper care must be taken to keep it cool all the time. Keeping your dog hydrated can go a long way in helping it remain cool. It is advised not to leave your dogs alone inside your car, or in the back of your truck due to a metallic composition which can increase the heat levels.

Summer time can get your dog quite excited. This excitement can lead to it exploring their immediate environment without caring for fleas or worms. This is how dogs get fleas on their fur during summers. However, it is not a matter of extreme concern as there are many pet medications available online to combat fleas and worms. Be sure to check in with your vet before using pet meds like Revolution to rid your dog’s of fleas and worms.

IMPORTANT NOTE: The above information is intended to increase awareness of health information and does not suggest treatment or diagnosis. This information is not a substitute for individual medical attention and should not be construed to indicate that use of the drug is safe, appropriate, or effective for your pet. See your veterinarian for medical advice and treatment for your pet if you have any concerns.

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