Dr. Alex Covey - Doctor of Pharmacy

Alex Covey is a pharmacist who specializes in early phase clinical research. His undergraduate studies focused on chemistry and microbiology, and he ultimately completed his Doctor of Pharmacy degree (PharmD). Alex’s professional background includes inpatient hospital, community pharmacy, and compounding.

He chose to move into clinical research as a means of improving the quality of life for the world through science. Alex is an advocate for the rigors of the scientific method and believes in the advancement of medicine through ethical trials.

As a medical communicator, Alex stands firmly on the ethical princples of the American Medical Writer’s Association. His goal is to empower the public by providing information in a manner that is easy to understand, and he strives to continuously improve the accessibility of knowledge to those who need it most.

Dr Alex Covey


Dr. Alex Covey, Pharm D - LinkedIn profile